Terms & Conditions of Membership

Please note the following terms and conditions of membership.

Once your membership application is approved, you will be sent details of how to log into the member hub and complete your business and consumer facing listings. Please note is the responsibility of the member to ensure details are accurate and up to date. 

1. Membership is not automatic and applications will be approved by the board in conjunction with destination leaders.

2. On joining, potential members should pay the correct amount in correlation to their turnover bracket, if applicable.

3. The board of Scottish Agritourism reserve the right to remove any business and its representatives from the membership should they breach any aspects of the Membership charter or Scottish Agritourism terms and conditions.

4. The Go Rural consumer facing offering requires to be professional and to present the sector in the best way possible to potential visitors and customers. Scottish Agritourism reserve the right to edit consumer facing listing information on www.goruralscotland.com to enhance your offering. We also may hide your offering while we work with you to enhance photography or content.

5. We reserve the right to not display your consumer facing profile if your business offering is deemed not to be of a high enough quality in terms of service or overall experience. In this case we will inform you of this and we will support you through the B2B hub to improve your business offering as to such a time when you will be able to be marketed to consumers through www.goruralscotland.com. At present there is no mandatory requirement for businesses to be quality assured but this is something that our board will give consideration to in the future and we would encourage businesses to become quality assured by Visit Scotland.

6. To be fair to members who are paying their annual membership, any business who has not paid their membership fees one month after renewal is due will be hidden from the consumer facing website and the business hub until fees are paid. After two months members will be removed from the B2B hub. After 3 months from the renewal date, resignation will apply.

7. Once a membership has lapsed or a member has resigned, they must stop with immediate effect from using the Go Rural brand to market their business. This includes the removal of the Go Rural and Scottish Agritourism logos from websites, signage, and other promotional material.

8. Membership is annual and will be taken automatically via credit card from 2022 onwards.

9. Scottish Agritourism will deliver the items outlined in the membership package for each membership type. Any additional support provided to a member, for example via a journalist visit or press article will be delivered to coincide with a particular request or campaign and is not included in the membership offering.

10. Members are responsible for keeping their own data in the B2B hub up to date.

11. Each member can have up to 4 individuals within their business as members alongside the business membership. These individuals must be involved with the business either as an owner or manager. They can be employees.

12. By joining Scottish Agritourism and providing your information for the business hub you agree to have your contact details displayed and shared with other members including name, address, mobile phone and email address and other information. You must be willing to display this information if you wish to be in the B2B hub, you cannot just view other’s information and not provide this yourself.

13. Contact information is to be used to provide support to others and to gain support and knowledge from others. It is not to be used to “cold call” or to sell any services of your business or of others. Anyone found to be doing this will be removed from the B2B site.